Can we be doing more to help prevention of pressure ulcers in the community? Can we do more to educate carers and family members on how to prevent a pressure ulcer developing? We believe the Prevention Ulcer Prevention Discharge Pack can help! It's so simple, it comes in the form of an envelope, it is the perfect size to fit most of your own trust or organisation leaflets (that are A4 folded into a concertina) and includes a shatterproof mirror card to help carers to perform skin assessments. The 3 simple steps are easy to follow that are printed on the front of the envelope, and show a real commitment of reducing pressure ulcers not just on admission but for discharge also!
Option to bulk buy for your trust or organisation, 10% discount for orders 1,000 and above, email
x1 box of 1,000 shatterproof respond mirror cards (Cellophane to protect mirror, remove when placing into pack with your leaflet)